Course work

Evolutionary Genomics & Bioinformatics (Fall 2020)

Please visit my EvoGeno repository to reproduce any of my course work.

Research (coming soon!)

Microplate Growth Data (Fall 2021)

This is a (work in progress) repository that takes raw microplate data and turns them into nice growth curves, boxplots, etc.

Comparative Genomics (Spring 2022)

I did a whole genome sequencing (WGS) run in the Fall of 2021! With all this BIG data, I take you through a journey where I visualize some of my results in R Studio using data from pipelines like Prokka, Roary, and LS-BSR.


Here’s a link to my Google Scholar profile, where my publications live.

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Here’s a link to my CV and LinkedIn profile where you can browse my academic trajectory and work history.

Please contact me with any questions. Comments are always welcome.
